List of Granted Projects
Reg. Number Project Title Project Detail
3. Human resource developmentCZ0039
Revitalization of School Playgrounds in the Administrative District of the Municipality of VlašimProject Detail
3. Human resource developmentCZ0042
Příbram – Modernization and Furnishing of Primary School Jiráskovy sady, phase IProject Detail
3. Human resource developmentCZ0059
Modernisation of Schools Established by Central Bohemia RegionProject Detail
3. Human resource developmentCZ0067
Modernisation of the 7th Elementary School in PříbramProject Detail
2. Protection of the environmentCZ0074
Biogeochemical Exploration of Forests as a Base for the Long-term Landscape Exploitation in the Czech RepublicProject Detail
2. Protection of the environmentCZ0092
Energy PlantationsTechnology on Contaminated LandProject Detail
1. Conservation of the European cultural heritageCZ0113
Cubism in the CountryProject Detail

Other Granted Projects